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Exome: the fast and cost-effective solution for analysing all genes of an individual

ADN, análisis del exoma en Mallorca, Baleares

Exome analysis is a genetic study that allows the analysis of all the genes of an individual. It can be used both:

● To obtain information on all those genes known to be related to a given pathology. With this approach, the probability of identifying a mutation that may be the cause of a disease in these genes is significantly increased. It is indicated in certain cases of cancer, heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases, muscular dystrophies, epilepsy or idiopathic retardation.

● For cases where symptoms cannot be associated with a clear diagnosis. Therefore, the analysis of all genes of an individual is a quick and cost-effective solution to obtain a diagnosis. It is indicated for rare and complex diseases suspected to be caused by de novo or recessive mutations.

At Genosalut we offer pathology-targeted exome analysis and the detection of rare and complex diseases as well as whole exome sequencing and analysis.

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Exome, a cost-effective solution for analysing the genes of an individual
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